What's Your Story?

We’ve all heard the gospel called good news. But another way to translate that term is “the good story.” Every one of us has a unique story to tell. One no one else can tell. Yet the hero in all those stories is the same — Jesus! This page is designed to share the story of how Jesus has set people free. And we want to hear yours!

So, click down below for a story-sharing guide created to help you think about the shape of your personal story and how Jesus changed it.

God’s Story and Yours God’s story goes like this...

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He made people in his image to reign over his world by his word.

The first man and woman rebelled against God, and all humanity followed. Claiming to be wise, we became fools and traded the truth of God for the lie that we could live and reign without him.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loves us, sent his Son to pay for our sins. He has made us alive together with Christ and is reconciling to himself all things in heaven and earth by making peace through the blood of his cross.

We now wait for the day when all things will be made new and we will worship Jesus in a garden city, seeing him face-to-face and singing with all the saints, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.”

This is God’s big story, and he’s weaving each of our stories together with his for the glory of Jesus. Telling your story is a powerful way to share the good news of Jesus with others. And what better time to do that than Easter?

The Hero of the Story

You can tell a lot about people by how they tell their stories. Who is the hero? What obstacle do they overcome? What power does the hero use to win? Many of us tell stories with ourselves as the hero, or share testimonies of how this book or that teacher changed our lives...and can change yours too!

This isn’t surprising. We were made to worship God. One theologian says it like this: we were built to brag. God is worthy of worship, and our lives are meant to worship him. Tragically, sin has us boasting about lesser things, and the stories of our world reflect that.

As followers of Jesus, our stories put Jesus front and center. We say yes and amen to Ephesians 2—we were enemies of God, but God loved us and saved us by his grace in Jesus Christ. So we learn to re-tell our stories—bragging about the hero who died to save the villains so that we could become his f riends.

Here’s what to do
-Answer the questions above or below and submit (3-5 sentences)
-These stories will remain anonymous but these stories will be shared during our Easter Services

-Jesus set me free from addiction
-Jesus set me free from my bad habits and brokenness
-I am praying that Jesus will set me free from my bad habits